Update on New Training Program

Since being forced to stop assessing the FGASA ARH as from the end of 2021 we have developed a new training program aligned to international firearm training standards.

This program, named ARQ or Advanced Rifle Qualification, has been developed by Professional Firearm Instructors to ensure that candidates develop the best possible reflexive competencies to ensure they can handle a potentially life-threatening encounter with a dangerous animals without endangering the lives of their guests. The major focus on this program is accurate shooting rather than speed although certain exercises are required to be completed within a specific time-frame.

This program has already been tested and used by guides at several Lodges and has been well received and we have received positive feedback. On successful completion, we issue our own certificate and grade as basic, intermediate, or advanced depending on what was achieved.

We have been trying for the past four years to get this program accepted and ratified by QCTO. We have finally got a breakthrough and the application has recently been submitted. We are hoping that it will be seen as a benefit for the industry and once registered, will be able to be run by qualified firearm trainers.

Anyone who is already a qualified trail guides, or not involved with FGASA, is welcome to contact us to try out this program.
If you are interested in doing the ARQ program or learning more about it, please contact:

Jenny at the office on: admin@fimase.co.za or 063 236 9347 for further details.

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Firearm Management Services (FIMASE) was started in 2011 and is registered with the SAPS as an accredited training provider. We have also been granted training and assessor status with the Professional Firearm Trainers Council (PFTC) and can provide certification for all Unit Standards up to and including Business Purposes for all firearm types. We have two qualified Instructors and assessors who remain committed to keeping this status up to date by completing the required PFTC qualification shoots when required. These shoots cover handgun, manual rifle, shotgun and self-loading rifle.

We continue to offer training in preparation for the FGASA Advanced Rifle Handling (ARH) assessment, however we do not endorse this program as it contains elements that are not accepted by international firearm training practices.
All our training is done on a one-on-one basis. We provide rifles and ammunition for the training.

We also provide advice and guidance on compliance issues relating to the Firearms Control Act and Regulations, as well as firearm ownership issues.
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